History Major Transfer Credit
Procedure for Requesting Transfer Credit for the History Major
- History Majors may only petition for a total of TWO to THREE courses outside of the department of History for transfer credit petition.
- Students may request up to two transfer credits if studying abraod for one semester, or transferring to cornell from another institution as a sophomore. students may request up to three transfer credits if studying abroad for a full year, or transferring to cornell from another institiution as a junior. Additionally, students may request up to three transfer credits if they are both a transfer student and also sutdied abroad for a semester.
Required Documents
- Compile a folder for each course for which you are requesting credit. Please include:
- The History Department's Transfer Credit Form
- The College or Cornell Study Abroad Transfer Credit Form requiring the Director of Undergraduate Studies signature.
- A transcript or grade sheet highlighting the course for which you are requesting credit
- The syllabus for each course. This is ESSENTIAL! If the instructor distributed only a bibliography, compose a brief (2-3 sentence) description of the course structure, requirements, and grading.
- Include one written assignment. If the instructor did not return the work, or if oral exams comprised a significant portion of the grade, include a brief description (2-3 sentences) of the work you completed, but are unable to include in the folder.
Submitting your Transfer Credit Application
- Please turn in your Transfer Credit Form(s) and ALL supporting materials to Judy Yonkin, 450 McGraw Hall.
- printable jpeg of the application for printing
- webform
- if submitting via the webform please be sure to include all supporting documents (incomplete applications will be returned for completion)
- Transfer Credit Forms are also available in McGraw Hall, fourth floor