HIST 2665 The American Revolutionary Era (also AMST 2665) (HB) (HST-AS) (HPE, HNA) (Pre-1900 AMST)
Monday and Wednesday: 9:05-9:55 plus discussion
Professor Jon Parmenter
As we approach the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, this course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the origins, character, and results of the American Revolution, as well as engaging the enduring significance of its memory in contemporary American life – why do we choose to remember the American Revolution in ways that occlude its divisive and bloody events? Emphasizing student interaction with documentary evidence from the Revolutionary era, along with up-to-date scholarly interpretations, the course analyzes the diverse experiences of women and men, "everyday people" and famous leaders, Native Americans, African-Americans, and those who opposed the Revolution. Course work will include analysis of contemporary public memory of the Revolution, participation in discussion sections, Canvas quizzes, and a short research essay.