HIST 2441 Truths: A History from Antiquity to the Modern ((ETM-AS, HST-AS) (HPE, HEU)
Monday and Wednesday: 2:30-4:10
Professor Olga Litvak and Professor Jeremy Schneider
Where have humans found truth? Will the truths we uphold today remain true tomorrow? Leaning on discussion and close reading of texts, this seminar asks students to think about how truth becomes history and how historically-situated concepts, values and norms become true. Examining the ways in which thinkers and writers from a variety of different perspectives have conceived what truth is (and isn’t), the class will focus on notions of truth and falsehood in religion, science, philosophy, and literature. Specific themes for consideration and discussion will include: the role of divinity in underwriting truth claims; the place of truth-standards in the study of nature and the development of new technology; the moralization of truth and lies; the disillusionment with absolutes and the increasing “relativization” of truth in the modern age.